To update teachers' education and 188bet app download concept,Strengthening teachers' education and 188bet app download skills,Comprehensively improve the professional core literacy and employment competitiveness of Chinese language and literature professional teachers,According to the unified arrangement of the school's Academic Affairs Office,College Yu7month8DaymorningHold2023YearSpring semesterChinese Language and Literature Teachers 188bet app download Skills Competition。School 188bet app download supervisionXu YanProfessor, CollegeDong Fenfen、Ding Hongwu、Wang Yanmo、Luo Ligui、Zhou Xiaojuan、Ma Fan Ying、Zhou Xiaojuan、Qiu Linshan、Tian Youyu、Shen Wenxiu and othersDivision as a judge.
According to the rules of the competition, after the early stage2020、2021Level of each class preliminary competition, select a total of16Students 188bet appparticipated in the hospital -level rematch. Participants are dividedA、BTwo groups,Through 188bet app download design、In impromptu lectures、188bet app download display (including simulation 188bet app download 、Courseware production、 Board Design)、188bet app download reflection four links fully demonstrated the contestants' clan skills and 188bet app download style,Show the education and 188bet app download ability of the teachers of our college。
Final,Comprehensive review by the judges,Ayiga Mary、Wang Zhiping two students won the first prize,Liu Haochang、Yuan Yueheng two students won the second prize,He Xiaolian、Don Wenjing、Su Yin brother、Fan Lei four students won the third prize,He Xiaolian、Liu Ziyi two students won the excellent award。The college will recommend Aga Mary、Liu Haochang、He Xiaolian、Don Wenjing、Wang Zhiping、Yuan Yueheng six students participated in school -level competitions。
Dong FenfenProfessorAffirmed the performance of all 188bet appstudents in the review,indicates that the students have their own style。At the same time, point out the problems existing in the students: His recitation skills are not good,No fully displaying the original text of the text, reading and analysis;Both wantPay attention to the organizational 188bet app download at the scene,MoreWe must have the ability to deal with emergencies,EffortsDo "really have classrooms"; the content of the 188bet app download display link is too empty,Should choose the most exciting part forConcentrationShow.
Ding HongwuProfessorfully affirmed the ability of the contestants in the review。At the same time,Makes the following suggestions: First, work on the design of the board of the board,Standardize the writing of text plan text,Strengthen the training of teachers; the second is to implement the design of the lesson plan into the 188bet app download process,Enhance the degree of 188bet app download design; third, it is necessary to work hard in the transfer of 188bet app download ceremony and 188betthe mobilization of the classroom atmosphere,Fight in the futureInternship trainingImprove 188bet app download level。
This competition created "Everyone participates、A good atmosphere of improvement ",reached "Promoting Practice with the game、The purpose of promoting learning with the race,Provided the display platform for the teachers of our college,Mobilized the initiative and creativity of the teachers,mentionhighNormal studentsPractical application ability and innovation ability。Students will take this competition as an opportunity,Break the waves,Direct Hanging Cloud Sail,In teacherProfessional developmentSailing on this road,Question Yongjin,Efforts to become excellentFuturePeople's Teachers.